I have a friend who has complained of boredom every time I've spoken with him during the "stay at home order." No work? That's understandable. That sucks. I'm really sorry if that's you. But bored? C'mon. Someone in your family is ill or worse?? That's terrible. How can I help? But boredom? Nah man. Boredom is not your real issue... Is it? Maybe I'm strange and/or lacking sympathy, but I'm feeling really blessed right now. What do you do when there is no little league, no CCE, no dance, and no track practice? You get in the garden and up on the trampoline with your kiddos. What do you do when there is no office to go to? Spend that commute time cuddling with your spouse or your 3 year old or finishing that book. You go on longer walks and you spend a little extra time with your coffee in the morning, that's what you do! In many ways this situation has reprioritized us, brought me back to the basics, my closest people, Cana, the kids (as individuals), and my actual neighbors. Believe it or not, we are even praying and eating MORE as a family. I thought we were already pretty good at it. But when you are cooped up with 8 others under a single roof for weeks on end, you have to pray and communicate and communicate some more and then pray some more. Lent is VERY Lenty this year. It is a blessing. Yes, money is going to be tight with a bunch of postponed speaking gigs, but we have food on our table. Yes, we are so sad about not being able to go to Palm Sunday (or Easter) Mass, but I'm told actual Grace abounds in times of trial. No, we can't gather around a table with friends and strangers on the Open Porch, but WOW lots of people are out walking and riding in our hood. There is a great opportunity to love your actual neighbors by simply sitting outside and waving! Perhaps the stay at home order is something like getting married or having kids, it's sort of the the socially acceptable thing to complain about. It's cliche. However, the truth is my wife is not a "ball and chain" at all and being mandated to stay at home with her and my beautiful kids is not a terrible thing. It is a blessing. For the most part we have no idea what the next couple of weeks, months, years will look like in the US. Will we see baseball this season? Who knows? Probably...?? No? Gah, I don't know! Everything is uncertain and it seems like the news changes every day. All I can really do right now is stay put and DO the "next right thing." Let's not wait on life to return to normal. Let's see it for what it is right now. Let's love our families and our neighbors (from a distance). Let's pray, read and rest. Let's receive the blessings all around. In a time where it might be cool to complain about it, let me give you permission to like this new normal. If you are actually in need right now and not just bored, please reach out. We would love to support you. And if you have a prayer request please comment below. Cana and I love you and we are praying for you, as always. Peace and Good! Ennie
Cana and EnnieShort 1-2 minute reflections on this messy beautiful life of joy Archives
May 2020
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